last minute

Rupit and Besalu w Hiszpanii

You will visit the small town of Besalú, which is one of the pearls of Catalan architecture. The first mention of Besalu dates back to the 10th century; in the Middle Ages, the city occupied an important place on the trading maps of that time. The modern layout of the city is somewhat different from the original, however, it allows in general terms to trace the most important points of the medieval settlement: Jewish baths, the church of the monastery order of St. Peter and St. Julius, a hospital for pilgrims, etc. The majestic bridge leading to the city deserves special attention.

Next, we will visit one of the picturesque corners of Catalonia, in the medieval town of Rupit. The city of Rupit was founded at the beginning of the 11th century, when a fortress with that name was founded in the center of the Colsacabra mountain range.


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